Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Valentine's Day as a Single Gal

Hello Everyone,

Since it has been a year since I started my blog, I thought I would revisit my most popular post from last year. And, since it was just Valentine's Day, it makes sense to do this one.

This Valentines' Day was an interesting one to say the least. Not filled with rose-petals and romance, but memorable either way. I got up early to work on some homework and reading that I had, and then breakfast with my roommate. After this I went outside to take some pictures with my GoPro. I was planning a Spring outfits post for today, but then some things struck me, and changed the post to the one I am doing now.

Valentines' Day is a big deal in America. A much bigger deal than in Britain. It is a day that is heaven if you're in a relationship, and hell if you're not. I've been reminded a lot more that as I don't have a current partner at the moment, then I am failing miserably in society's expectations of me. I am supposed to be only trying to meet the guy of my dreams, as well as getting my career sorted and becoming financially independent from my parents. Having it all, and having it all sorted by the time I'm thirty maximum. Why does Valentines' day have to put so much pressure on people to have the picture perfect life?

I'm not sure if this is what guys feel at Valentines' Day, but as Barney Stinson points out, not having a date on 14th February means that a lot of girls get desperate, so guys can take advantage of this desperation. We feel like we have to be in a relationship, and be loved as a result. There is a failure in this way of thinking about Valentine's Day, that its encouraged to be in any relationship, no matter how new or unhealthy they are.

I have many happy Valentines' Days, my best friend would often leave cute little presents at my front door with no note attached, almost like my own secret admirer. Last years' Valentines' was pretty eventful and comedic. This year was no different. Long story short, I got stuck up a tree. I'm not normally this accident prone, but it seems something in me wants to take back Valentines' Day for me. I'm single, cool, and have no need for someone else to define me. Keep it in perspective. Its just one day of the year. Nobody should be ashamed of being alone, ever. I'd rather be a single, well grounded person than an emotional wreck in a relationship (and I mean toxic relationships that mess with your psyche and put you in a bad place). Take your Valentines' Day back for yourself in some way, and be happy with the way you are. Don't be ashamed of your singleness, and don't hate on those lucky enough to be in a relationship either. Let them have their celebrations together, and be happy that they have someone to share it with. You'll get it one day.

There are 365 days in a year. One of them is Valentines' Day. That's a lot of time where not being in a relationship doesn't matter. So don't let that one day make a difference. And remember: Tomorrow's another day.

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