Wednesday, 2 April 2014

A-Z Challenge: B

Hello Everyone,

Today’s letter is B, and my book is Ballet Shoes for Anna. This is a book that I remember reading when I was very little girl with my mum. It is a moving story of a little girl in Turkey whose family can’t afford to get her ballet lessons, and her fight to reach her dream of becoming a ballerina.

After an earthquake has devastated her family, Anna is forced to live with her disapproving uncle who does think that dancing is a suitable career. Her brothers and Anna save their money to buy ballet shoes for Anna in order for her to continue to follow her dancing dreams.

This is a special story for me as although I cannot really remember the plot, I do remember sitting and reading it with my mum. It was one of the first books I read with her along with the Hobbit and Harry Potter. Apart from allowing me to continue a faint dream of being a ballerina, it got me reading from quite a young age, and graduating from the easier ‘baby’ books onto some older children’s reading.

What is the first book that you remember reading as a child, or to your children? Leave me a comment below saying the name of the book and if you remember the plotline.



  1. A book that I LOVED as a child is also the first fantasy book I ever read: Sir Toby Jingle's Beastly Journey by Wallace Tripp. That books started my decades long love affair with Fantasy Fiction. Years later when my son was about 3 or 4 I hunted a copy up (because it was out of print) to read to my oldest son. To this day that copy sits on my shelf by my writing desk.

    A-to-Z Challenge 2014
    Mighty Minion of Co-Host Nicole Ayers
    @Safireblade on Twitter

    1. I might need to check that out, if I can find a copy. There is always a special place in your heart for your childhood favourite book.


  2. I remember reading Treasure Island as a child. I won the book by participating in a school competition. I began reading to my son when he was two years old. It was a short Christmas story ;)

    1. I loved Treasure Island as a child too. It's a classic adventure story. I hope your son loved it too.

