Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Weekly Update

Hello Everyone,

Here we are, halfway through the week already, can you believe it? With Wednesdays being my least busy day, I have designated it to my Weekly Update, where I tell you guys all about what I have been up to the last week or so.

This was a good day. I went shopping for food and did some reading in the morning. In the afternoon I was over at a group member’s flat for a group presentation that we are preparing for, and then I went into town with my friend to pick up some presents for her nephews. Essentially, she let me loose in the Disney store, where I instantly became a little kid again, and would have been happy to play tea parties with all the little kids! I got home, and started to do reading and an exercise due for the next couple of days.

This is one of my busy days. I have one early lecture, then just enough time to get back, have some food and do a little reading, before heading back out for the longest afternoon ever. I went from a two hour lecture/seminar to the other corner of the campus and a two hour glee rehearsal. Then after that, I headed to another corner of the campus to my double ballet class. By the time I got in, it is normally 8.30/9ish, so I just crashed and watched an episode of Jonathan Creek. No reading or essays to check over luckily.

It was finally the end of the week. As it had been my friend Alison’s birthday earlier that week, we were heading to the Bobbin to celebrate. I wore a new dress, which I love to have an occasion to do. After a couple of beers and a lot of good laughs, we headed back to halls, as I had an early start the next morning.

Got up reasonably early as I was invited in to see the student newspaper’s production weekend. That was really interesting as I didn't really know what went on during the production weekend. All the technical stuff bamboozled me, but I really enjoyed watching the process. After a few hours there, I needed to get back to start some reading/writing for an essay, and for the next week’s posts for all you lovely guys. The rest of the day wasn't really that eventful, some Saturday night movie on my laptop and then sleep.

Up early as Sunday is my errand day. I got food shopping, washing, cleaning, and of course, reading. The never ending course reading! Spent the rest of the day in my kitchen, as it was much brighter and warmer than my room.  Reading almost finished, my friend phoned me, and I watched Call the Midwife. Also had a lovely Skype from my parents, which was a surprise, as we hadn’t arranged it.

Up early again to try and get a jump on my essay which is due on Friday. Off in the morning, I had a couple of tutorials in the afternoon, and a group meeting for one of my subjects. Once that was over, home, and more reading (my head is never out of books or behind a screen at the moment!)

Tuesday was a lovely day. I had a late morning class and then was in Alfie’s cafĂ© for the majority of the rest of it. Had a lovely meeting with a fellow blogger, and then a Gaudie Life and Style meeting. I went home and had a quiet tea, and then got on with my essay. Wish me luck! 

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